
Saturday, August 13 Annual Membership Meeting

All CBFA members are invited to attend the Annual Membership Meeting on Saturday, August 13, starting at 9AM, at Fire Station #1.

Come a few minutes before and vote for those members running for the Board – Candidates will be posted here soon.

Agenda items include an Amendment to the CBFA Bylaws – Proposed Amendment below

Amendment to the By-Laws


Coffman Bend Fire Association

August 2022

Be it Resolved that a Neighborhood Watch Committee will be established as one of the Standing Committees of the Coffman Bend Fire Association (CBFA).

Said Committee will inform the Board of Directors and the Fire Chief of any events that could affect the health, welfare and/or safety of the residents and guests of Coffman Bend.

The Committee Chair will be appointed by the President of the Board, with the consent of a majority of the Board of Directors.

The Committee Chair or their designee will provide a report  (in person, or electronically submitted) at all regular and special Board of Director meetings and to the Membership at the Annual Membership meeting.

See you there!